Peach blueberry pound cake is one of those recipes that takes something all ready good and makes it amazing! Pound cake by itself is just plain delicious. Once you add fresh peaches and blueberries to the mix, however, it really takes it to the next level. This cake is so good and easy. The pound cake is rich and dense and the fresh fruit adds that bit of sweet and tartness that balances it out and makes your mouth happy. It is great with coffee or tea or just on its on. Plus, it is a great way to show off that great fresh summer fruit.
This recipe has been a summer favorite in my family for some time. I first remember making it with my mom when I was a little kid. Every summer we would go on vacation in upstate New York. A few days into vacation my grandparents would drive up to spend a few days with us. I was so excited! I would sit on the front porch just staring at the gravel road waiting for their red car to round the top of the hill and ask, when are they coming. I’m sure I drove my mom crazy. One of the ways she distracted me, and preserved her own sanity, was to bake this cake with me. As we baked we would sing, If I knew you were coming I’d’ve baked a cake. By the time they got there I had something beautiful and delicious to surprise them with.
I’m really excited to share this recipe with you all. This is a truly a great cake. It starts with my mom’s usual pound cake recipe and just kicks it up a notch. It travels well, so it is a great thing to bring to a get together or a picnic. Plus it doesn’t need to be refrigerated which makes it a summer win. I hope you enjoy it just as much as I always have, and don’t forget to sing Eileen Barton’s “I’d ‘ve Baked a Cake,” while you make it. Happy baking everyone!

Peach Blueberry Pound Cake
- 10 inch tube pan
- mixing bowls
- 3 cups flour
- ¼ tsp baking soda
- ¼ tsp salt
- ½ cup sour cream
- 2 tsp vanilla extract
- 1 cup butter softened
- 3 cups sugar
- 6 eggs large
- 2 cups fresh peaches peeled and chopped
- 2 cups fresh blueberries
- Preheat the oven to 350° and grease and flour your tube pan.
- In a medium bowl combine flour, baking soda and salt.
- In a small bowl combine sour cream and vanilla
- In a large mixing bowl cream butter and sugar together. Add the eggs one by one beating well after each addition.
- Add the sour cream mixture to the butter mixture and beat well.
- Gradually add in the flour mixture and beat well.
- Carefully fold in the peaches and blueberries.
- Spoon batter into prepared pan and bake for 75 to 80 minutes. Cake should feel springy when baked fully.