This delicious homemade white bread recipe is the perfect thing for sandwiches, toast or simply eating by the slice. With this great recipe you’ll never need to worry about bread shortages again.
Tag: baking
Zucchini-palooza has continued in my house, as I work myself through all those giant zucchinis I picked at Hallock’s farm, and I made another one of my mother’s delicious recipes, chocolate zucchini sheet cake. This rich cake is another summer dessert favorite. The shredded zucchini makes it super moist, and the cocoa powder and chocolate…
One of the best things about summer is all the delicious farm fresh produce! I’m lucky enough to live nearby some awesome farms so I try to take advantage of the summer bounty whenever possible. A few days ago I took my son out to Hallocks U-Pick Farm to get some zucchini and whatever else…
We are in the heart of blueberry season which means it is time for blueberry recipes! I love blueberries and enjoy turning them into all kinds of tasty treats. Of all my blueberry recipes blueberry buckle coffee cake is one of my all-time favorites. It’s a great cake that really lets the blueberries shine, and…
Okay so I’m sure your first question is why is it ‘kinda’ key lime pie and not just key lime pie? Well my answer to you is have you ever tried to find fresh key limes in the food store? I mean maybe if you’re in an exceptionally stocked produce department and the moon and…