One of the best things about summer is all the delicious farm fresh produce! I’m lucky enough to live nearby some awesome farms so I try to take advantage of the summer bounty whenever possible. A few days ago I took my son out to Hallocks U-Pick Farm to get some zucchini and whatever else looked good and I might have gone a little over board. I couldn’t get over how huge the zucchini was! I mean many of them were bigger than my son! I probably should have only gotten one, but no I ended up walking out of the fields with 5 giant zucchini. You know what that means right? I have a lot of zucchini to cook, but that’s fine I have tons of amazing zucchini recipes to share with all of you.
If you live in the South Jersey area you should give Hallock’s U-Pick farm a try. They’re produce is always beautiful and you are going to pay a lot less then you would at the grocery store. Plus, it’s a fun thing to do with kids and it’s good for them to see where their food comes from. If you’re interested just click the button below to go to their website to see whats being picked.

The first recipe to make as I started to tackle the mass amounts of zucchini that I purchased was zucchini cheese bread. Unlike the traditional zucchini bread (which will come later on I promise) this zucchini bread is savory with wonderful Parmesan or cheddar cheese in it. My mom worked out the recipe when she was a teenager (she loved to cook and bake even then) and it has been perfected through out the years.
Tip: Remove the seeds of large zucchini

Before we get to the recipe though I just wanted to give you the heads up that if you are working with large zucchini or squash like I am make sure you are scrapping the seeds out first. To do this just cut your zucchini in half length wise and simply scrape the soft seeded middle out with a metal spoon. A plain old soup spoon works fine. Once you have it all scrapped out it will look like a large boat and it is ready for what ever you need to do with it next.

Zucchini Cheese Bread
- 1 medium loaf pan
- 2 eggs
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 2 tbsp melted butter
- 3/4 cup sour cream
- 1 1/4 cup grated zucchini peel on
- 2 cups all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 cup grated Parmesan or cheddar cheese
- Preheat the oven to 350 degrees and grease your loaf pan.
- In a large mixing bowl crack your eggs and beat slightly with a whisk.
- Add the sugar, melted butter and sour cream and beat until combined well with the egg.
- Stir in the grated zucchini and mix well.
- In a separate mixing bowl add the flour, salt, baking soda and baking powder. Whisk it together so that it is all evenly mixed.
- Add the cheese to the flour mixture and gently whisk again so that it is well distributed.
- Add the flour mixture to the zucchini mixture ⅓ at a time, gently folding it together as you go.
- Once it is all mixed pour it into the greased loaf pan.
- Bake for 50-55 minutes or until the top starts to brown and feels springy.
- Let the bread cool in the pan for 10 minutes before popping it out to cool on a cooling rack.
Will definitely be making this many times with the zucchini from my garden!
I love this picture. He is so cute!!!!